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Total Autorunner

Removable drive, fully automatic start of total Autorunner provides.


"Total start Autorunner removable drive provides fully automatic."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Total Autorunner programs that provide fully automatic start, documents, folders, shortcuts and websites instantly drive connections, the user intervention without the need for, regardless if the file depends only on the removable drive that or any other PC storage device as.

Compact Flash support, such as total Autorunner (hard disk, pen drives, MP3 players and other memory supports all types of removable drives, etc.) and all kinds of connections (USB, Firewire, Ide, S-ATA, ecc.).

Windows will start with a total and complete user Autorunner invisible, Memory stick. Settings can be accessed in the system tray icon.
Drag and Drop programs, documents, folders, shortcuts, lists and web sites that automatically drive connections Favorites will be opened.

May decide to change their position in the list of orders beginning.
or / and also 'AutorunAll' folder, you can decide to use.
In this case, all files and removable drives 'AutorunAll' folder shortcuts in the list will automatically need to add them without the drive connections opened.

Each removable drive and 'AutorunAll' folder its own AutoRun list 'is: it can be decided in this way the files for each custom drive started.

Developed by members of the total donations Autorunner a no-profit purposes and re-training for people with social diseases Cultural Associazione Oltre l'Immagine, an Italian aid the company's associated.

This software version of the following languages: English, Italian support. you can free download now total Autorunner 1.3.

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